met volgende files ben je in staat een emu te draaien op je ipbox 900 en 9000 HD, om vervolgens verbinding te maken met volgende EMU's:
- Cccam
- Gbox
- Newcs
- radegast
bijgevoegd een beschrijving met de volgende mogelijkheden:
incubusCamd, cam daemon.
Available for processor types: sh4 (tested only on Cuberevo, Cuberevo mini, kathrein ufs910 with e2)
Use the e2 version on kathrein with enigma 2 on board, the other version on ipbox 9000/900 with dgstation firmwares
Card client for protocols: cccam, gbox, newcamd 5.20, newcamd 5.25, radegast old, radegast new, aroureos
.conf and .prio files can be inserted in the /var/bin directory, or in /etc, or in /var/keys
20/06/2008, V0.50, First public release
camd33 and camd35 is really much unstable so I think it's not yet ready for public,
asap it will be ready i'll publish it

This is the first release, you can't see any log on the console because
I don't wanna people read infos that could put them on the strange way.
However logs on console are really good to know if bugs are the cause of your problem or
simply if you are so noob to not be able to configure it correctly.
Read very well config files and don't say something you don't know.
This is not a fully working cam, some functions are not implemented/enabled because they are not ready for public and
I think people don't wanna functions that are working not really good as they expected!
(also this version is a beta version, but i wanted to put some hopes on people that believe a cam is better than othern one,
we have tested the cam on many decoders and we can say this cam is not bad at all also in beta and not full working mode :p)
So for the first release I choose to public only client side of the cam.

I want to thank raton_craquero for givin' me the possibility to know really a lot of things on how to use dvb_api and i have
to admit that i really like his config file structure and his log functions, so i decided to use them with his agreement

Thank you!
Regards, the IncubusCrew!
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